Blog Post 10 (11/9/2022)

So I actually got a response from the agency saying that I can use the song as long as I don’t monetize my project so that gave me so much relief and motivation to go forward with my project. I can’t express how much of a godsend this is for me so I feel energized to work on this project full speed and lay out all of the creative ideas I had with the song on paper (or iPad). I actually got to animate one of the scenes which took me about a full day to make and I have to say I’m pretty proud of the result. I do think I have to settle for some easier animated scenes since I don’t think I can make a full minute and a half video if it’s going to take me a full day to create a 5 second animation test. I may have to resort to couple of still shots working with camera pans, zoom ins/outs, and other editing magic to make the most out of the small amount of time I have left. It’s dawning upon me that I only have 4 weeks left to finish my project which I just started to animate but I feel that now with the extra free time I have, I will manage to make everything work out.


Blog Post 11 (11/16/2022)


Blog Post 9 (11/2/2022)