COLOR (11/30/2022)

To be quite honest, Thanksgiving break wasn’t really a break for me but a chance for me to catch up with the work I wasn’t able to do when I was working my part-time job. I actually added some color to my animations and I have to say that I am proud of some of the work that I was able to create in the given time I had. I really wish I had more of this time earlier on in the semester but there’s no time for me to look back and wish the impossible. I just need to focus on the present and take action over the situations I can control and work relentlessly until I reach my goal. I feel myself becoming more efficient in terms of making these animations as I work and reaching this “flow-state” whenever I’m working on this project. This project really feels like its flowing out of my soul and I’m pouring out my heart into this.

I’ve been posting my progress on my art Instagram as story highlights so that I can keep track of the progress I’m making while engaging the few followers I have at the moment to garner some feedback and responses to what I’m making.

I hope the end result turns out well.


Blog Post 13 (12/7/2022)


Blog Post 11 (11/16/2022)