FINISH (12/14/2022)

I FINISHED MY PROJECT ON TIME!!! I am in actual disbelief in how I managed to animate everything with the small amount of time I had (4-5 weeks??) I had to relearn (and learn) a lot of editing tricks to really amp up some of the work I had last minute but everything meshed in to how I wanted it.

Wow… what a journey.

All of that coffee, all-nighters and instant noodles really helped me pull through in the last few weeks haha.

Jokes aside, I really am proud of how I managed to pull through in the brink of the deadline despite the setbacks earlier on (and even the past week as I got sick with COVID). Even if this project gets no recognition, I will treasure it just because of the manner and circumstances I was in while I was creating it. I really had to bring the best out of the worst and this project is a symbol of the success that came out of the struggles and hardships I underwent— not only during the process of making the video but throughout my entire life. This project came out of a place of vulnerability for me so I don’t think I will ever be able to think of this project as a failure to me. I’ve learned so much in the making of this video and I think it definitely helped transform me for the better and hope it can do the same for others who watch the video.

Thank you so much for following me throughout this project and I hope to venture on further beyond on my journey.


Blog Post 13 (12/7/2022)